Cybersecurity Compliance Act (IL HB5243)

At CyberFortify Consulting LLC, we recognize the significance of the Cybersecurity Compliance Act, (IL HB5243). This Act establishes an affirmative defense for covered entities that create, maintain, and comply with a written cybersecurity program. The program must contain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for personal and restricted information protection and conform to an industry-recognized cybersecurity framework.

Our expertise in cybersecurity compliance positions us ideally to assist your agency/firm in developing and maintaining a cybersecurity program that aligns with the Cybersecurity Compliance Act (HB5243) requirements. Our approach includes designing a program that incorporates all necessary safeguards and conforms to recognized cybersecurity frameworks like NIST 800-171. We understand that the scale and scope of the cybersecurity program should reflect your organization’s size, complexity, nature of activities, and sensitivity of information to be protected.

Furthermore, our experience in vendor management becomes crucial under HB5243, as it’s essential to ensure that your third-party vendors also adhere to stringent cybersecurity practices. By partnering with CyberFortify, you benefit from our comprehensive yet straightforward vendor management programs, ensuring that your entire network, including third-party vendors, upholds robust cybersecurity standards. This comprehensive approach not only helps in achieving compliance but also strengthens your position for an affirmative defense in case of data breaches​.